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There is not much that I can say about the 'Ring that hasn't already been said elsewhere on the Internet. Therefore it seems sensible to me to direct you to the links that I found most useful in preparing for my first trip.

Ben Lovejoy's Nurburgring Nordschleife website

Nurburgring & Nordschleife Fan Project

Angus & Tessa's Caterham website

In addition to these sites, it is worth buying a map of the circuit. We purchased a laminated map from Berndtson & Berndtson which gives not only a detailed map of the circuit but also details the roads in the surrounding area. The map can be purchased direct from here. Follow the link to Motorsport Maps and then select 'Nurburgring 1:3300'.

More photos of our trip to the 'Ring can be found here

Tickets are simply purchased from the 'hole-in-the-wall' machine
Heading to the barriers for my first ever lap
Not surprisingly the barriers are all for LHD, but there is usually someone on hand to do the honours
Taken from the viewing point between Escbach and Brünnchen
Something to 'memorise' in the car park at Grüne Hölle
A Norwegian biker summoned up enough courage to passenger me on only my 4th lap. The great thing about this lap was that he got his 'Ringer mates to 'lead' me round. This was really helpful and probably led to my fastest lap.
Heading towards Exmühle. Hotel an der Nordschleife is in the background.
The Nordschleife's most famous bend - Karussell

Rules of the 'Ring

Track Days